ETR Resistance starters start-up systems are intended for starting ring induction motors up to 5,000 kW. The number of starting stages depends on the required maximum and allowable inrush current. This allows the ability to accurately shape the current and starting current, providing a soft start, without exceeding the allowable stator current of the motor. The starting current multiplicity can be freely determined depending on the number of starting stages.
They are designed for various types of drives such as ball and rod tube mills, crushers, belt conveyors, mixers, crushers, presses, pumps, compressors, fans. They are used for any type of start-up, and are particularly suitable for heavy starting.
- Karta Katalogowa ETR (0,54 MB)
- Opis techniczny ETR (0,88 MB)
Biuro Realizacji
ul. Pańska 3,
84-208 Dobrzewino
tel. +48 (58) 888 15 50